Monday, September 3, 2012

I Am . . .

       I am Krista Skorupski; I am a wife, I am a sister and a daughter, and I am a theater student. I live in San Jose with my husband, and have been going to Cabrillo since the fall semester of 2010. I chose to go back to school after a long break. I'm originally from the inland part of southern California, and moved to Santa Cruz in 2009 while my husband was still in graduate school at UCSC. I have a really close family that consists of my mother, my four sisters, a ton of nieces, one nephew, and myself. My family has always encouraged me to do what I love, and I happen to love the art of theater. I've been lucky enough to experience most of the aspects of theater, because my teachers loved for their students to be well rounded. All of the things I've learned and experienced as a student, and as a person have given me a different outlook on education and life. One of the gifts I can bring to the classroom is open mindedness. Having an open mind is key in working with others. Everyone was raised differently and has different life experiences, so when I'm listening to someone I try to understand what they're saying, even if I don't necessarily agree. Being a little older than the average community college student is also very helpful, because it brings a little more life experience to an opinion. I am also very happy to be in school, and that allows me to bring a positive attitude to the class. I've found it's much easier to work with someone who has a positive attitude.


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  2. That is so awesome fallowing your dreams! Never loose sight of them and remember hard work pays off. I truly wish you the best!
